Dental Implants Dentist Union Turnpike Queens
The best way to replace missing teeth is to get dental implants. Dental implants feel more natural than other methods of teeth replacement and they offer a variety of ways to restore your smile. They also will last longer than most other methods. Getting a consultation from a dental implants dentist Union Turnpike Queens can help you get started.
About Dental Implants
Dental implants are made of three parts. The root portion is made of titanium and it is bio-friendly. The jawbone will grow attached to it as it heals. This is what will provide stability, but it will take between three to six months to be completely healed. The other two parts are the abutment and dental crown.
Depending on the implant plan, the dental implants dentist Union Turnpike Queens may place the implants and then let your jaw and gums heal before placing the abutment and crown on it. This will take between three to six months.
Dental Implant Options
When you need replacement teeth, dental implants can be used for almost any need. This includes:
- Single Teeth– A dental implant can be used to replace just one tooth. In many cases, the implant can be installed at the same time a tooth is extracted.
- Several Teeth– If you have several teeth in a row, the teeth may be replaced individually – each with their own implant or as an implant supported bridge.
- Denture Stabilization– If you already have dentures and want them to be stabilized so that they do not slip when talking or eating, you can get implants to prevent that from occurring. This generally involves two implants, but four may be needed.
- Upper or Lower Teeth– If you need all of your upper or lower teeth replaced, you can get one arch replaced. The upper teeth, however, will require more implants due to the less dense bone.
- All Your Teeth– Dental implants also enable all of your teeth to be replaced if you currently do not have any or need them to be extracted.
All-on-Four Dental Implants
This implant system enables you to walk into the dentist’s office and walk out with a full set of usable teeth. For many people, it will not be necessary to need bone grafts because the implant-supported dentures are implanted where there is already sufficient bone. Four implants are often used, but six may be needed for greater stabilization.
Qualified Candidates
Before getting dental implants, candidates will need to meet some basic qualifications. You will need to be in good health, and you will need to be free of gum disease. You will need to have your jaw and teeth scanned and examined in order to determine the amount of jawbone and gums. Depending on the type of implants – and where – it may be necessary to have treatments for gum disease and bone or gum grafts, before the implant surgery.
The dentists at Amazing Smile Dental NY have a friendly dental implants dentist Union Turnpike Queens that can give you the replacement teeth you want. They are all licensed and experienced. Call today for a consultation.
Dental Implants Dentist Union Turnpike Queens
118-16 Queens Blvd
Forest Hills, NY 11375